Monday, August 06, 2012

Curiosity landing video and the historic Apollo 11 descent

So NASA JPL just released this amazing video of the Curiosity rover landing on Mars. I’m still amazed at how flawlessly the mission was executed.

NASA JPL Curiosity landing

Couldn’t help but dig up this gem of a video of the Apollo 11 mission of the Eagle landing on the moon. I can only imagine how stressful the landing may have been for everyone involved on that historic day in 1969:

Apollo 11 Eagle landing

Original NASA JPL embedded video:

Source: NASA JPL

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Astronaut pegman on Google Maps

Just noticed how the drag-and-drop Google street-view "pegman" icon changes into an Astronaut on Google Maps when browsing the new self-guided tour of the Kennedy Space Center. :)

8-2-2012 11-45-45 PM

Previously: Lego Minifig on Google Maps